Here you can find useful tips for using organic essential oils. Find out which essential oils are perfect for cleaning your home, for treating various concerns, for pregnancy and children and how to enhance your natural beauty.
Uključivanje eteričnih ulja u romantične planove vezane uz Valentinovo ili posebne trenutke ili godišnjicu neće nekog neromantičara učiniti romantičnim, ali prostorija ispunjena nježnim egzotičnim i energizirajućim mirisom stvorit će ugodnu opuštajuću atmosferu, poboljšati raspoloženje, a romantičnu ili intimnu večer učiniti puno senzualnijom. U nastavku pronađite savjete i recepte!
Anti stres & bolje raspoloženje,
Bolji fokus i više energije,
sigurna primjena eteričnih ulja
A few drops of citrus essential oil can bring fresh, invigorating scents to your home. Citrus-scented oils can be added to homemade cleansing and beauty recipes. Citrus essential oils offer a number of health and wellness benefits. They are great for boosting energy levels. Find out how these fragrance oils can make a positive difference in your life!
Traveling to unknown places, along with excitement, can also bring you stress, nausea and digestive problems, as well as insect bites and minor injuries. If you prepare well, you can avoid many of the mentioned ailments or significantly alleviate them and devote yourself to enjoyment and relaxation as much as possible. So take your fragrant set of essential oils with you. Here's what it should contain.
Najkraći dan u godini je možda iza nas, ali još uvijek smo daleko od dugih sunčanih dana karakterističnih za dolazak ljeta. Iako zima ima svoje posebne čari, može uzrokovati i takozvani ‘winter blues’ – pad raspoloženja, motivacije i fokusa te na taj način otežati svakodnevicu. U nastavku donosimo nekoliko korisnih informacija i savjeta kako se uz pomoć organskih eteričnih ulja izvući iz negativnog raspoloženja.
Anti stres & bolje raspoloženje,
Bolji fokus i više energije,
Bolji san,
Kućni spa i wellness,
Njega kose,
Njega kože,
Recepti i ideje,
sigurna primjena eteričnih ulja,
Zaštita od virusa i bakterija,
Žensko zdravlje
Find out how, in a natural way, without the use of harmful chemicals, and with the daily use of essential oils, you can take care of your face and body, balance your emotions, relieve respiratory problems, improve your mood and concentration, relieve stress and fatigue, and keep your home clean and safe.