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Diffuse 2-3 drops of geranium bourbon combined with 7-8 drops of lemon essential oil during "challenging" meetings and for "difficult" clients. In home wellness, it is used for relaxation.
Calming effect on the psyche: Geranium essential oil acts as a tonic for the nervous system. The regulating action of geranium oil has a wonderful calming effect on emotions and lifts the mood. It helps with feelings of nervousness, confusion, lethargy, fear and mood swings. It soothes and is used for great exhaustion and stress, physical weakness (which results from mental exhaustion) and fatigue. It relaxes and balances the mood and emotions of children and adults. It is recommended for people who are hypersensitive. Like other adaptogenic oils, geranium essential oil gently balances extreme conditions. It is perfect for a feeling of imbalance with its own natural rhythm.
Antifungal and antibacterial properties: Geranium oil helps with minor scratches and wounds on the skin and stings insects.
Natural pain reliever: It acts as an analgesic for pain.
Hormonal balance: Traditionally, women have used geranium oil for hormonal balance, in relaxing premenstrual tension and menopause symptoms.
Skin care: Helps with skin problems. The astringent properties of geranium essential oil make it an excellent active ingredient against wrinkles, cellulite, and loose tissue. Geranium oil can soften and even erase scars and dark spots on the skin by improving circulation and balanced distribution of melanin under the skin. Nourishes and balances all skin types, including oily, dry and combination skin. It is recommended for massages and for the care of sensitive, problematic or irritated skin.
Nourishes the hair: Tones the scalp, helps balance the secretion of sebum on the scalp, which makes it excellent for treating dandruff.
Blends well with: clary sage, lavender, bergamot, lemon, sweet orange, palmarosa.
Caution: Acceptable in small concentrations. We do not recommend it in the first 3 months of pregnancy due to its hormonal effect. Avoid in case of hypoglycemia.
100% pure organic essential oil, free from synthetic fragrance. Botanically and biochemically defined essential oil. Vegan and cruelty free.
Combine aromatherapy and air humidification in the room using an aroma diffuser to provide a healthy and soothing environment.
Essential oils are only for external use. Do not use it undiluted directly on the skin and avoid contact with the eyes. Keep it out of the reach of children and do not use it on children under the age of 5. Consult a doctor before using essential oils during pregnancy.
Essential oils fall under the law on chemicals, among other things, and must be marked with hazard pictograms. Bioeterica products are not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent diseases. The information we provide does not constitute medical advice. Please consult a physician or other health professional for any health concerns.
Naziv proizvoda: Organsko eterično ulje GERANIJ, BOURBON
INCI: Pelargonium Graveolens Oil
Botanički naziv: Pelargonium graveolens
Nominalni sadržaj: 10 ml
Način dobivanja i dijelovi biljke: destilacija vodenom parom cvijeta i lista
Glavne sastavnice: citronelol, geraniol, citronelil format
Alergeni (alergeni kao prirodni sastojci eteričnog ulja): limonen, linalol, citronelol, neral, geraniol
Način uzgoja: organski / plantažni
Namjena proizvoda: kozmetička sirovina
Zemlja porijekla: Madagaskar
Naziv proizvoda: Organsko eterično ulje GERANIJ, BOURBON
INCI: Pelargonium Graveolens Oil
Botanički naziv: Pelargonium graveolens
Nominalni sadržaj: 10 ml
Način dobivanja i dijelovi biljke: destilacija vodenom parom cvijeta i lista
Glavne sastavnice: citronelol, geraniol, citronelil format
Alergeni (alergeni kao prirodni sastojci eteričnog ulja): limonen, linalol, citronelol, neral, geraniol
Način uzgoja: organski / plantažni
Namjena proizvoda: kozmetička sirovina
Zemlja porijekla: Madagaskar
Eterično ulje koristite samo za vanjsku upotrebu. Nemojte ga koristiti nerazrijeđeno direktno na koži te izbjegavajte kontakt s očima.
Držite ga izvan dohvata djece te ga nemojte koristiti kod djece mlađe od 5 godina. Konzultirajte liječnika prije upotrebe eteričnog ulja za vrijeme trudnoće.
Bioeterica proizvodi nisu namijenjeni dijagnosticiranju, liječenju ili sprečavanju bolesti. Informacije koje pružamo ne predstavljaju medicinski savjet. Za bilo kakve zdravstvene tegobe posavjetujte se s liječnikom ili drugim zdravstvenim stručnjakom.
Eterična ulja spadaju između ostalog i pod Zakon o kemikalijama, te se moraju označavati piktogramima opasnosti.
H315 Nadražuje kožu.
H317 Može izazvati alergijsku reakciju na koži.
H318 Uzrokuje teške ozljede oka.
H411 Otrovno za vodeni okoliš s dugotrajnim učincima.
Oznaka opasnosti: Opasnost
Eterično ulje koristite samo za vanjsku upotrebu. Nemojte ga koristiti nerazrijeđeno direktno na koži te izbjegavajte kontakt s očima.
Držite ga izvan dohvata djece te ga nemojte koristiti kod djece mlađe od 5 godina. Konzultirajte liječnika prije upotrebe eteričnog ulja za vrijeme trudnoće.
Bioeterica proizvodi nisu namijenjeni dijagnosticiranju, liječenju ili sprečavanju bolesti. Informacije koje pružamo ne predstavljaju medicinski savjet. Za bilo kakve zdravstvene tegobe posavjetujte se s liječnikom ili drugim zdravstvenim stručnjakom.
Eterična ulja spadaju između ostalog i pod Zakon o kemikalijama, te se moraju označavati piktogramima opasnosti.
H315 Nadražuje kožu.
H317 Može izazvati alergijsku reakciju na koži.
H318 Uzrokuje teške ozljede oka.
H411 Otrovno za vodeni okoliš s dugotrajnim učincima.
Oznaka opasnosti: Opasnost