Scent Your Home with Essential Oils

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Your home is a place where you take a break from everyday life, your fragrant oasis and relaxation zone. Do you want to feel a natural scent in it and throw out all the chemicals you use to clean your home and replace them with natural alternatives, ones that are natural and healthy and smell wonderful? By using essential oils in your home, you will create a healthy environment and reduce the need to use chemicals in the home. Read below how to quickly and easily clean your home using environmentally friendly products that you can make yourself.

The Importance of Natural Ingredients

The average human body carries a heavy load of chemicals that we accumulate throughout our lives through exposure to synthetic chemicals from air, water, food, personal care products, and more. We are surrounded by hundreds or thousands of synthetic chemicals every day. Chemicals are all around us. We can find them in air, water, food, clothing, tools, furniture, toys, cosmetics and medicines. Although some of them are useful for mankind, despite their usefulness, we know that many of these substances can have negative effects on our health and the environment.

Conventional and chemical cleaning agents very often irritate the skin and respiratory system and can cause allergic reactions, are environmentally unacceptable and even toxic, both for us and for the environment. You can make most of your home cleaning products yourself. You need essential oils, citric acid, alcoholic vinegar and baking soda.

Based on some estimates, approximately 6% of the world's burden of disease, including chronic diseases, various cancers, neurological and developmental disorders, and 8% of deaths can be attributed to chemicals. It should also be borne in mind that these figures are on the rise and that only a small number of chemicals are reliably known as to their effect on health.

In order to reduce the concentration of dangerous chemicals in general, it is important to reduce the use of chemical agents in one's own home. The good thing is that you can replace many chemical agents with natural preparations that you can make yourself.

There are countless ways to use essential oils in your home. With essential oils, you can purify and refresh the air, disinfect and clean surfaces and floors in the kitchen, hallway, bathroom, bedroom; you can use them to disinfect and refresh laundry and add them to dish detergent.

Clean and Scented Kitchen

Sometimes you have the feeling that your kitchen is the worst part of your home - some smells are wonderful to you, like the smell of homemade bread or cake, while some are not good, like those from the garbage can. Likewise, various smells are released in the room during cooking, whether they are from vegetables, fish or meat. What to do to achieve freshness and "reduce" the smell of cooking? Here are some excellent essential oils that can be used as a refreshing spray, whether they are used alone or in combination with other essential oils.

Fresh Kitchen Air

The best essential oils for making a spray to refresh the kitchen area: rosemary, lemongrass, lime, citronella, grapefruit, basil, marjoram, peppermint, lemon.


Preparation: Mix the mentioned essential oils in a dark glass bottle of 100 ml and add 60 ml of alcohol (96%). When the essential oils have combined with the alcohol, add another 40 ml of distilled water. Close with a spray nozzle. Mix by turning the bottle up and down. Use as needed - scatter in the space.

Clean Kitchen Surfaces

The best essential oils for making a kitchen freshening spray: eucalyptus, white pine, cypress, lemon, lemongrass, lime, grapefruit, palmarosa, rosemary, bergamot.


Preparation: Mix the mentioned essential oils in a dark glass bottle of 100 ml and add 60 ml of alcohol (96%). When the essential oils have combined with the alcohol, add another 40 ml of distilled water. Close with a spray nozzle. Mix by turning the bottle up and down. Use as needed to clean the work area in the kitchen. This mixture of essential oils is extremely effective, and at the same time disinfects the kitchen work area and has a wonderful smell.

The choice of natural scents of essential oils in the kitchen is a matter of personal preference. Someone will prefer to choose citrus notes of lemon, lemongrass, while someone will prefer the scents of white pine and eucalyptus, but it is a matter of personal choice, but any variant of essential oil is certainly effective, depending on your choice.

Choose pure organic ingredients for the maximum effect of cleanliness in your home.

Only by choosing 100% natural and certified organic essential oils can you be sure of the composition of the oils and their verified quality. There are no pesticide residues or other harmful chemicals in them that can get into essential oils through conventional cultivation of raw materials.

Also, due to their natural origin, they contain a higher concentration of active substances and therefore they are more effective, and their use is economical.

Enjoy your home preparations for cleaning your home with BIOETERICA organic essential oils!

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